Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A shift realized, and general stuff.......

Last night during conversation in my regular weekly meditation group the topic come up on positive thinking. Now, from being a hypnotherapist I know that feeling is a lot different from thinking and sometimes if you don't 'FEEL' your thoughts it takes more effort and concentration to achieve what you want to manifest. That being said I started to reflect on old thought patterns compared to now and realized a shift on the deepest level had occurred. IN the past (way past) when presented with a dilemma or challenge my strategy was: to image the worst possible out come, then plan out exactly how I would deal with it and when I figured out I could deal with the worst then anything that happened that was better than the worst I could deal with. I was actually proud of my strategy and (yikes) taught it to my sons.

How I deal with things now is to assume the best possible outcome and not even dwell on what could/might possibly go wrong. Another way I have heard this is 'getting into my faith and not my fear'. I am not saying that I don't occasionally back slide for brief moments because I do, but easily, effortlessly and naturally I fall back to faith instead of fear. It takes practice to stay in 'FAITH' mode but since it feels a lot better to be in faith than in fear it makes life generally a much better place. How to do it? Really fake it until you make it hold true on practising this. Even when your emotions might not be totally in line with your positive thinking, just pretend they are and when you pretend often enough it becomes real.

I have a small class meditation class here at www.guidedbalance.ca this evening and I am looking forward to the time they arrive.

Feeling good about getting my taxes to the accountant, late for personal but not late for business, nonetheless they are getting done!

Yesterday I worked my tail off at the restaurant...... wow it was busy and only me and our Manager on for most of the day. I couldn't believe the amount of sales we did with just the two of us working. (patting us both on the back)
My parents are home soon from Europe and then I won't be working on the floor of the restaurant much......... only to help out with corporate catering.

My dear husband Scott (who is in Alberta at the moment) is being missed very much. Spring is the time when we both are doing things around our yard and enjoying the spring Sunshine. I especially miss our 'outside morning coffee' times. Life living alone is certainly different.

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