Sunday, May 27, 2007

DNA Healing........

DNA Healing

The process itself is called EIP, which stands for Eliminating Interference Patterns within our cellular DNA.

This process is meant to help you ‘unplug’ from thinking and behaviors that are not serving you in your life. Have you ever been told you that you are not good enough, strong enough, smart enough, or told you that you will never amount to anything or told things about money such as ‘money is hard to earn and even harder to keep, rich people are bad people? These things are just opinions from other people’s belief. As we take on these beliefs they become deeply imbedded in our thinking and affect our cell memory. We pass on our cell memory genetically.

We see and understand cell memory in nature and in animals. A puppy in a new home at 8 weeks old will grow to know how to herd, swim, fetch or guard depending upon the breed without being 'taught' by its mother or owners. Birds know where to fly and when, fish know when to spawn and where. This is cell memory. Cell memory exists in human beings as well and has been a survival tool for our ancestors. Troubles arise when our cell memory causes us to behave in ways that does not serve us and may even hold us back in the lives we want to create. The power of our intentions manifest easily when our thoughts and emotions are in alignment.

Eliminating Interference Patterns can assist a person to consciously create the life they want.

for more information on DNA Healing and DNA activation
please visit my web site

available for speaking engagements

1 comment:

Off The Wall said...

As a testimonial to DNA healing, I had this done and the most notable result was that the dynamic of one negatively impacting relationship in my life changed simply I think because I stopped enabling it through my behaviours. That has left space...for what I don't know, but I suspect with whatever I want.