Saturday, September 22, 2007

A bit about Hypnosis (again)

Guided Balance Hypnotherapy

Are you looking for direction, feeling stuck or unfulfilled, stressed by the demands of daily life, needing change but not knowing how to go about making life changes? Perhaps you are not experiencing or achieving the kind of success you expect? Seeing a qualified Hypnotherapist may help you to improve your business/life success, reduce stress levels, assist in life changes and goal setting, and contribute to overall health and well being.

Christine Noble CH. of Guided Balance Hypnotherapy in St.Thomas is a Certified Hypnotist and a member in good standing of the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc.

The use of Hypnosis is not new and has been used in one form or another for thousands of years. It can be argued that hypnotherapy is the most ancient of therapies and elements of hypnotherapy are found in most if not all healing systems. People’s lives are transformed, personal growth is set on course and health is improved all through this ancient healing practice.

Hypnosis Demystified

Myths: Hypnosis Myth #1Only weak-minded people can be hypnotized
The truth is that most everyone can be hypnotized. We are experiencing some form of a trance-like hypnotic state each time we engage our imagination. Have you ever become so involved in a movie that you have become angry, sad or excited? You know what you are watching is not real yet you feel the emotion as if were.
Studies have also shown that the higher the level of intelligence, the deeper the effect Hypnois can have.
Hypnosis Myth #2The Hypnotist has complete power over you when you are hypnotized
It is always up to you, whether you are having a session with a hypnotist, listening to hypnosis recording or receiving information through some other media. You can never be forced or encouraged to act in ways against your own moral or ethic codes, it simply does not work that way. Whether you want to accept or reject the ideas or statements offered is always ultimately up to you. For that reason we say that "all hypnosis is ultimately self-hypnosis" and that you are always in control.
Hypnosis Myth #3You can remain permanently stuck in hypnosis
This only happens in movies or novels. If the hypnotist left the room you would fall into a normal sleep and awake normally or you would just open your eyes when you no longer heard the voice of the hypnotist.
Being in Hypnosis is a very relaxing state and is pleasurable so you may not always want to emerge from this peaceful state of mind, but of course you are NEVER stuck. With training you can learn self hypnosis and enter this state anytime you wish.

For more information visit

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Shining ............

Letting your Light Shine

Well over a decade ago when I was first new and green in business I decided to take a management course to improve my self confidence and decision making skills. Nothing in the course materials assisted me more than the instructor who was teaching the course.
This woman was overweight, not a fashion monger and truthfully I found her to be a bit intimating when I first met her. Although I am sure it was a great course I remember nothing about it now. What I do remember is the awe I had for this instructor. She really knew how to let her light shine. I’ll call her Rachel. Rachel held her head high; shoulders back and always had the attention and respect of the whole class. I was fascinated by what this woman was all about. Whatever Rachel had, I wanted some. I hung on to every word she uttered looking for some clue of how she could so confidently let her inner light shine so brightly. Rachel was living her life being the best she could be in every moment of every day. She was not waiting for the time of ‘when or if’. Besides holding a high position in a big corporation she mentioned beaches, parasailing, volunteer work and archery as just a few of her interests. Some of us are blessed with this inner sense of knowing how to let our light shine and others (like myself) it is a process. One of the many paths to this inner process is Hypnosis. Using Hypnosis or learning the art of self Hypnosis can assist a person to be the best they can be in this time and space called NOW. Why wait?

"Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment." Anthony Robbins, Motivational Speaker

Sunday, July 29, 2007

here ı am ın turkey......... great tıme but ı am meltıng


ı have never been thıs hot ın my lıfe. teachıng ın 44 degree weather wıthout aircondıtıoning has been a challenge for this fat canadian girl ........... nonetheless i am liking my time here. traveling and workıng with my aunt and uncle has been a new experience for me.......... new but a great experience. getting to know family on a new level........ working as a team has been fantastic

missing all my family and friends of course but these types of adventures fulfil a deeper need both on an emotional and spirıtual level. yes i am teaching here but truth is ' learn just as much as i teach everytime i am here. i am getting pretty darn good at what i do and my confıdence is higher and stronger than ever before......... hmmmmmmmm thinking what else will i master

pardon all the typos as the keyboard is a challenge to use......... nonetheless i am sure you can and will get the message that i intend

last time a did a program like this there were so many problems that i never ever wanted to do this again but this time wow......... great attitude with the crew....... and my behaviour and attitude has also changed from last year. at the moment we are teaching in a school that is treatıng us like gold..... putting us up in a beautiful hotel (truly the nicest one i have ever stayed in) and this school has a beautiful veiw of the mountains. the staff here are fantastic and the students........ they are the cream of the crop......... ages 7 through to 14.

sometimes i feel so inspired to do and create new and better games*songs*lessons and think that i could truly make this a complete summer career every summer........ other times i can not wait to get back to and get caught up with my clients. i am truly blessed to love what i do and spend time with inspiring people. life is good......... if this is as good as it ever gets......... that would be ok with me. feeling filled with love by all those connected to me here and all over the world. sending you all my love

Monday, July 16, 2007

getting ready...........

Almost ready, but not sure if I have what I need.

Feeling a tad bit guilty leaving on my hubby's birthday, yet he is thousand of miles away at the moment. I will take time out for meditation tomorrow morning at 7:11am for the Fire the Grid world session no matter how pressed for time I am. Feeling good about it.
I love traveling but of course I miss my routine here where I am usually planted. Especially I miss Sunday mornings at Unity of London and my Monday evenings with my meditation group.

Looks like me and the crew I am bringing over will be on the move for over 31 hours in total before we get to our destination. After driving to Alberta from Ontario two weeks ago, this does not seem have me thinking twice about going. Usually I am unsettled after 2 or 3 hour of driving or flying but now that is child's play..... I have toughened up as a traveler (not as whiney either).

I'll be blogging as much as I can from the Internet cafe and please feel free to leave me a comment or two.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Public Acceptance for Hypnotherapy

With so many myths about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy it is slow progress gaining wide public acceptance.
Yet so many people are absolutely fascinated by the topic. Hypnotherapy is 90% science, 10% art and 0% mysticism. It can be argued that hypnotherapy is the most ancient of therapies and elements of hypnotherapy are found in most if not all healing systems. Hypnotherapy cannot be easily described let alone defined. People’s lives are transformed, personal growth is set on course and health is improved all through this ancient healing practise. Hypnosis is not only real but a learned skill. For some people going into hypnosis is as easy as breathing, for others it takes some time and practise and for very few (especially those who have an IQ of under 70 or are on heavy mind altering medications) it does not happen. Over 95% of the population can benefit from Hypnosis. . Hypnotherapy, as an art and science has now reached a level of professional and public acceptance that is far greater than at any time in the last century. More and more people are taking responsibility for their life situation and over all health and well being making hypnosis a viable option to achieve goals.

Peaceful Blessings to All
Guided Balance Hypnotherapy

Monday, June 11, 2007

are emotional wounds sometimes important for growth?

The story I posted below is one that have been cruising around the net for years. Although it is a story with a good lesson there is more to the story. As I am always in the process of becoming a better human being my view on this story has changed somewhat. Although I try to never speak out in anger there are times when it serves a higher purpose to speak your mind to another EVEN when we know it may be hurtful. Have you ever witnessed an injustice upon another person or animal and became so angry you were moved to take action? (even if by yelling or speaking your mind). I remember a time about 25 years ago that someone lashed out at me in anger while I was at work (in the lunchroom actually). I was hurt and embarrassed but also more careful with my words after that time. Later (much later) I respected the woman who had the courage to call me on my behaviour, and prompt me to change.

Not long ago I was on a bike ride with my husband. As we rode past a historical rail road building I noticed a young man taking a leak on the building while an older woman (possibly his mother) was waiting. Although it may have been a bit embarrassing for my husband I yelled to this guy to have some respect for our city's history and gave him a piece of my mind. Even though I am sure they did not appreciate my 'intervention' nonetheless I hope this young man would think twice before doing such a thing again.

My point is with both examples is that sometimes silence is not the answer. There are times when silence means acceptance. In the whole scheme of the world situation these are trivial things really. Who am I to 'right the world'? Well I alone do not have the power, understanding, knowledge or wherewithal to right the world but I can step up to the small everyday things in my own backyard... but firstly keeping in mind that it all starts within oneself.

the story of emotional wounds

There once was a little boy who had a bad
temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails
and told him that every time he lost his
temper, he must hammer a nail into the back
of the fence. The first day the boy had
driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next
few weeks, as he learned to control his
anger, the number of nails hammered daily
gradually dwindled down. He discovered
it was easier to hold his temper than to
drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't
lose his temper at all. He told his father
about it and the father suggested that the
boy now pull out one nail for each day that
he was able to hold his temper.
The days passed and the young boy was finally
able to tell his father that all the nails
were gone. The father took his son by the
hand and led him to the fence He said, "You
have done well, my son, but look at the
holes in the fence. The fence will never be
the same. When you say things in anger,
they leave a scar just like this one. You
can put a knife in a man and draw it out.
It won't matter how many times you say I'm
sorry, the wound is still there.