Friday, June 15, 2007

Public Acceptance for Hypnotherapy

With so many myths about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy it is slow progress gaining wide public acceptance.
Yet so many people are absolutely fascinated by the topic. Hypnotherapy is 90% science, 10% art and 0% mysticism. It can be argued that hypnotherapy is the most ancient of therapies and elements of hypnotherapy are found in most if not all healing systems. Hypnotherapy cannot be easily described let alone defined. People’s lives are transformed, personal growth is set on course and health is improved all through this ancient healing practise. Hypnosis is not only real but a learned skill. For some people going into hypnosis is as easy as breathing, for others it takes some time and practise and for very few (especially those who have an IQ of under 70 or are on heavy mind altering medications) it does not happen. Over 95% of the population can benefit from Hypnosis. . Hypnotherapy, as an art and science has now reached a level of professional and public acceptance that is far greater than at any time in the last century. More and more people are taking responsibility for their life situation and over all health and well being making hypnosis a viable option to achieve goals.

Peaceful Blessings to All
Guided Balance Hypnotherapy


Anonymous said...

Why we should be mindfull, put ever so eloquently by someone with unique wisdom.

"Open your eyes and look within, are you satisfied with the life you are living? We know where we are going, we know where we are from." –Bob Marley’s quote from Exodus.

As he says we only know two things for sure, where we origionated and where we end up. that knowledge is inate inside us, yet so many times we look out for change rather than in. I see more and more people waking up to their truth and many others are overcoming their fear of looking into the abyss of oneself.

Awakening Rose said...

Thanks for your input, your time and effort are appreciated.

I love doing what I do because I help people make that inner connection.