Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Best Of Teaching in Turkey

Only six weeks left before fly over to Turkey. I am excited and am gathering new ideas for the classrooms. Anyone reading this, if you have some fantastic tried and true methods or some funky fun songs or chants that you know please share them with me. I am always open to hearing new ideas. (

Turkey is a beautiful country. Working in the schools with the teachers usually turns out to be more fun than work. What I love the most is that what the media has shown the world is not exactly true. Talk about getting 'unplugged'. Of course I only speak/write from my own experiences. Things change and happen last minute in Turkey all the time. Now in my family it is my sister who 'makes things happen with no notice and everyone has fun'. She pulls off these events and everyone may groan and say.... yea, OK sure..... I'll do that or be there, but in the end it is for the good of us all and always done from the heart (and we have great memories of times together). In Turkey this is daily life. If something gets cancelled, something else it planned in a matter of minutes with a few phone calls. Go for a drive and end up visiting someone, then end up spending the night. Hosting is never a chore for Turkish people they absolutely love to have people in their homes and in their company. Even the rituals of greeting guests as they arrive are unique. Upon entering a home and sitting down you are offered cologne for your hands and also a piece of candy. Sometimes these are offered by the children of the home. Then depending on the time of day you will be offered tea, or Turkish coffee and sweets or a plate of fruit. OH, the fruit tastes superb. Best peaches and cherries I have ever eaten have been in Turkey.

Every effort is made to make guests comfortable. I have found that my hosts even understand if I need to lie down for a short nap. (go go go in Turkey, sometimes this Canadian girl can't keep up).

Spending time in groups and being with lots of people is the norm. A deep understanding that material possessions come and go and that all that is really secure is the relationships that have been created and nurtured over time.

The beauty of the sea and mountains, and of course the history. History every where you look. A lot of it is uncovered and made into Tourist attractions but so much of it is just left as it is and anyone can to take a 'look see'. Where we are staying is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Take a look at the pictures at

Turkey is a Muslim country and many women wear a head scarf. I get asked all the time if I have to wear one while in Turkey and the answer is absolutely not. There are women who do not cover their heads, it is a personal choice. I have on occasion worn one for a day to show appreciation for the head scarf that was gifted to me. I think they are beautiful and I felt comfortable and pretty wearing one.

I could write on and on about how much I enjoy teaching and traveling in Turkey but perhaps more another time.

I have made some very special friends in Turkey and certain ones have a place deep in my heart. I trust that someday I have the pleasure of hosting them here in Canada.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Heading off to Turkey for part of the summer......

Yes, again I am going to Turkey this summer. This will be my fifth time making the journey and having a Turkish Adventure!

How did this all start? How did I get from where I was to where I am now? Traveling, teaching, learning, adventures (some good, some not so good...... yet learned from all of them). It is called the power of Intention. Before The Secret many of us 'alternative type thinkers' knew and used the Law of Attraction. I thank the creators of The Secret because this is really powerful stuff!
It is now put into terms that main stream society can accept and utilize. For years people have asked me, how can you do all that stuff? Trying to explain that anyone can just didn't sink in. Oh and the negativity that came my way from others not approving or understanding my need for adventures was enough for me to just be silent about the things I do. I am married to a great guy, I have two semi-grown sons and I have no desire to live the traditional life that society deems is normal. Media, society and culture all have us plugged into the Matrix of conformed thinking. Not only have my husband and I become 'unplugged' I also help others become 'unplugged'. Want to unplug, see my web site

Becoming unplugged was very important for my three month stay in Turkey (2005). Being totally immersed in the society I opened up news ways of Being. I was totally free to Become the person I dreamed I could be. Was it easy..... NO, was I always behaving in a manner that made me proud, NO, was I hurt and lonely sometimes, YES. All that being said I learned so much about myself (as Doc Phil says...... You cannot change what you do not acknowledge). I learned my communication style does not always serve me in my highest good, I learned that by just changing small things about myself I ultimately reach my goals. I learned to speak my truth from and with love. I dropped the sarcasm (always thought I was so cheeky). I also learned to see and feel the inner divine connection to other human beings even if verbal communication is limited.

Every experience changes who we are if we are open to the lessons. Last summer I did not have a great experience (don't misunderstand, I still had a great time for most of my stay). In fact I said I would never go again........ and yet, after much reflection I understood that on a higher level I attracted much of the uncomfortable situation upon myself, and that by just changing my attitude about it would have made all the difference in the world.

Again wow, we have the power to change our thinking which changes our reality. Knowing it, and doing it are two different things. The more we do it the easier it becomes. Gentle shifts in perception through various things in my life has lead to a completely different Christine. I am grateful.

What to see where I go in Turkey. Check out this link
This is just one of the programs that I am involved with.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

DNA Healing........

DNA Healing

The process itself is called EIP, which stands for Eliminating Interference Patterns within our cellular DNA.

This process is meant to help you ‘unplug’ from thinking and behaviors that are not serving you in your life. Have you ever been told you that you are not good enough, strong enough, smart enough, or told you that you will never amount to anything or told things about money such as ‘money is hard to earn and even harder to keep, rich people are bad people? These things are just opinions from other people’s belief. As we take on these beliefs they become deeply imbedded in our thinking and affect our cell memory. We pass on our cell memory genetically.

We see and understand cell memory in nature and in animals. A puppy in a new home at 8 weeks old will grow to know how to herd, swim, fetch or guard depending upon the breed without being 'taught' by its mother or owners. Birds know where to fly and when, fish know when to spawn and where. This is cell memory. Cell memory exists in human beings as well and has been a survival tool for our ancestors. Troubles arise when our cell memory causes us to behave in ways that does not serve us and may even hold us back in the lives we want to create. The power of our intentions manifest easily when our thoughts and emotions are in alignment.

Eliminating Interference Patterns can assist a person to consciously create the life they want.

for more information on DNA Healing and DNA activation
please visit my web site

available for speaking engagements

Thursday, May 24, 2007

quote from Shortcut to a Miracle

My husband set this to me today and I thought to share it here.

Getting into the mode of positive thinking can take some effort, here is another way to get on the positive thinking journey.

Get a small spiral notebook and carry it with you everywhere for a period of two days. Every time a negative thought comes into your mind, make a little mark on the notebook.
But get started with it, because in order to change your thinking you first have to know what it is in your thinking that needs changing. .When you have identified the types of negative thoughts currently running through your mind, choose positive thoughts to replace them.

Michael C. Rann and

Elizabeth Rann Arrott in Shortcut to a Miracle, p. 114

Yes, you really have the power to change your thoughts, amazing it took me a lot of years to realize this small fact.

a touch of bliss.....

Yesterday morning I went in to the restaurant. My mood was not down but not super either.

There are many ways to get to Belmont from St.Thomas and I often drive different routes depending on traffic, or what feels right at the time.

On my way I passed plenty of hawks and seen some rabbits (not roadkill rabbits), then went down into a valley and seen a couple of deer in the distance and also a large group of wild turkeys. Every thing just looked So beautiful so alive, so in tune...... then a beautiful song came on the radio. Wow, I was overcome with happiness and contentment. What a great feeling.
I was moved to tears. I have only ever reached this feeling while in deep meditation and was surprised to be blessed with this touch of bliss while driving to work.

Yea, at the moment I have some challenges and struggles..... and yet I still get to bliss. wow

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A shift realized, and general stuff.......

Last night during conversation in my regular weekly meditation group the topic come up on positive thinking. Now, from being a hypnotherapist I know that feeling is a lot different from thinking and sometimes if you don't 'FEEL' your thoughts it takes more effort and concentration to achieve what you want to manifest. That being said I started to reflect on old thought patterns compared to now and realized a shift on the deepest level had occurred. IN the past (way past) when presented with a dilemma or challenge my strategy was: to image the worst possible out come, then plan out exactly how I would deal with it and when I figured out I could deal with the worst then anything that happened that was better than the worst I could deal with. I was actually proud of my strategy and (yikes) taught it to my sons.

How I deal with things now is to assume the best possible outcome and not even dwell on what could/might possibly go wrong. Another way I have heard this is 'getting into my faith and not my fear'. I am not saying that I don't occasionally back slide for brief moments because I do, but easily, effortlessly and naturally I fall back to faith instead of fear. It takes practice to stay in 'FAITH' mode but since it feels a lot better to be in faith than in fear it makes life generally a much better place. How to do it? Really fake it until you make it hold true on practising this. Even when your emotions might not be totally in line with your positive thinking, just pretend they are and when you pretend often enough it becomes real.

I have a small class meditation class here at this evening and I am looking forward to the time they arrive.

Feeling good about getting my taxes to the accountant, late for personal but not late for business, nonetheless they are getting done!

Yesterday I worked my tail off at the restaurant...... wow it was busy and only me and our Manager on for most of the day. I couldn't believe the amount of sales we did with just the two of us working. (patting us both on the back)
My parents are home soon from Europe and then I won't be working on the floor of the restaurant much......... only to help out with corporate catering.

My dear husband Scott (who is in Alberta at the moment) is being missed very much. Spring is the time when we both are doing things around our yard and enjoying the spring Sunshine. I especially miss our 'outside morning coffee' times. Life living alone is certainly different.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Holiday Monday

For the last 14 years (the length of time we have owned the restaurant) Stat holidays
are never a time of celebration or rest/relaxation. I work stat holidays and usually
pretty darn hard. Hard work but the best part of working stat holidays is when family and friends come in. although I am working the visiting, sharing and cooking for ones that I love makes it a great day.

I don't know if any family/friends are coming in tomorrow (I think my sis and nephews will show up) but it would make my day.

I never tell anyone just how much I love it when they are there. Not just for the food they buy, but their presense makes me happy and content. (oh and they wipe tables and take their own orders when we are busy....... gotta love that)

So if my brother, sis, and all my dear in-laws , aunts, uncles, neices, nephews, old friends and new friends read this now you know how much I love it when you come out to the restaurant. When we sell the restaurant I will not miss a lot of the work but I will miss the connection I have to my customers (who are dear to me...."Happy
Gang especially"), and family/friends.

How Hypnosis has help ME

Oh........ bliss, today I was gardening. Gardening without Scott home. Now gardening is something ordinary to most people but not to me. See...... I had a phobia for years of worms. Now don't laugh, it really affected my life. I have always had homes with flower gardens and herb gardens and it was almost impossible for me to tend to them. I always had to have Scott around to help me through it. I love flowers and herbs but not caring for them on an 'earthy level'. Scott is no longer around to take care of the gardens and thank goodness through hypnosis my phobia is now a mere dislike. When I started today a huge worm jumped out of the earth at me, and I almost went back to old patterns........ I walked away and asked my son Keith to please transplant the hostas for me. He forgot about doing it and after awhile I just went and did it myself. I EVEN put my hands in the dirt a bit without gloves. OK, No big deal for those of you who have no phobias, but if you do (whether it be spiders, snakes, mice.... whatever) understand just what a feat I have accomplished. I still don't like worms but it is not a controlling force anymore. I love Hypnosis but going through this session for my phobia was hard work (I was sweating buckets at the time) Hypnosis Works!

I am also a compulsive over eater. Now I love good healthy foods, I eat way to much of them though. I have released about 25 lbs over the last two years and although I am not slim my attitude towards food has changed through hypnosis. Using hypnosis for self confidence has shifted my perception of myself and now I do/go anywhere or anything. Being overweight is really not about the food, it is much deeper. Using hypnosis will not get you to lose 30lbs in 30 days but it will give you confidence in yourself and in your ability to make the changes you need to succeed in your goals. All that being said it may seem odd that I help people release their weight when I am still holding on to some excess myself..... but it is all about change. Even in my own life I am making changes all the time and being lead to do/create a new image of myself on a daily basis. I will reach my ideal size in the time that is right for me all the while learning and growing from the experience of change.

Marianne Williamson at the JLC

I absolutely love Marianne's book The Gift of Change and I have already bought my ticket for this event. I know she will be worth seeing. I thought to pass it along to all my family and friends.

Marianne Williamson at the JLC
Price: $49.75

07:30 to 09:30

Experience this dynamic personality who has brought comfort and hope to thousands. Marianne Williamson is a spiritual advisor to Oprah, an internationally acclaimed lecturer and the best-selling author of A Return to Love, The Healing of America, A Woman's Worth, Enchanted Love, among other works. She is found of The Peace Alliance, a non-profit, grass roots alliancesupporting the legislative initiative for a U.S. Department of Peace. For more information on Marianne see her website at www.marianne.comTickets can be purchased from The John Labatt Centre ( or through Unity of London (

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ----from A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

proof that our thoughts manifest reality........

Read what Dr. Emoto has to say about water, thoughts and manifestation.

Think about that fact that we are mostly made of water.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Great Thanks........

to Deb Wall (homeopath) and to all who put my name in healing baskets, on prayer lists
and held me in their thoughts over the last few days. My struggles are much less and I
can feel a real improvement (not feeling so helpless either)
All is appreciated, I even feel up to going for a bike ride this weekend with my neighbour.

I have a strong belief in the power of prayer. I have no doubt whatsoever that our thoughts create our reality and that prayer is a way of forming our thoughts into what we want sent out
to the universe......... to our higher power...... however we name the source it is all the same.

I am grateful, thank you
Blessings of Love

getting out of bed in the morning is exciting..... :)

Years and years ago before I understood the laws of attraction (before it was called The Secret)
I dreaded going to work, felt my life was boring. Don't misunderstand I had a good life, but not fulfilled and exciting. In the last 6 or so years I have really been living an exciting life. Although a lot of what I do is intentional (like my work as a Hypnotherapist which I just LOVE doing) I get still get welcome surprises. Sometimes my surprises are disguised as challenges and yes that does create excitement too.

I put my intention years ago on creating adventure in my life..... wow, did I get a good return on that one! Again traveling to Turkey for most of the summer, then planning various other jaunts that I hope to confirm here in my blog next week. And I can do all this and still teach meditation classes and take clients here in my Wellness centre and still do a bit of work in our family restaurant. People ask me all the time: 'how do you do all that?' The answer is..... I love what I do and it just comes together for me in ways that seems directed by a higher force. I always am exactly where I need to be..... doing what I need to be doing and I trust I am learning what I need to learn.

I finally picked up the new truck today. I drove it to Belmont and back and already the 'wow, it's fun to drive something new' feeling is gone.

I talked to my parents in Austria this morning and they sounded relaxed and happy. They deserve a vacation, Lord knows they work hard enough in our restaurant. I wish I was with them. I love being in Austria. My family there is awesome and the country side is the most beautiful I have ever seen. I know it much be some genetic cell memory kicking in because whenever I get to Austria I am overcome with the feeling of 'coming home'. I am Canadian through and through and am proud to be so, but if I was ever to live in another country it would be Austria. (I say that but I haven't been/seen all the world yet!)

Booking clients for the next three weeks here at then off to Alberta for a bit I think.

Creating memories everyday!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

reaching out for health.........whole health

just a short note to introduce you to a great Homeopath Deb Wall
her blog

and web site

Deb takes care of both me and my husband Scott, as well as many other people
and she is accepting new clients at this time.

Meeting was as expected.........


The guest speaker Sue Kenny shared some powerful life learning lessons.

I took away a lot from this evening and my inspired thoughts brought about creative dreams that keep me in bed almost 2 hours past my normal waking time. I just didn't want to stop dreaming.

Today I am picking up our new truck, and Scott is talking about going to Thailand to work. So lots to think about. Perhaps I will write my book in Thailand. Everyday is an adventure it seems......... life is good (even if I am still limping)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This is my word for the day. For some reason I want to say it every chance I get. Is that weird? My dynamic husband has already had several job offers and now he gets to pick and choose when/where/how much he wants. So many choices.

I had a great session with a client again today (I get such dynamic people through my doors) My younest son and my newphew Adam took me out for breakfast this morning, they are just so much fun to be around, they amuse me to no end. Goofy, real, intense, smart and so charming at 22, both of them made my morning enjoyable. (they don't read my blog, so it won't swell their heads)

I am teaching ESL in Turkey this summer and I have had some dynamic ideas pop into my head about how this program will run. I have my teaching crew assembled for this summer and we will be DYNAMIC!

OK, enough typing my word of the day..... I will say it all day though. I can't help being weird, my sis calls me a geek, but I like the way I am.

I am going to a presentation tonight about marketing and I am excited because I have heard this guest speaker is Dynamic....... lol, can't help that word. I'll write about her tomororw and my opinion on the session. The meeting is filled with positive and upbeat business women, even just for that reason I know I will enjoy my evening.

something I wrote in the beginning of my awakening...... things have changed.....

Written Oct. 2nd/01


I look away as the vast Brightness
Threatens to destroy my vision
The unknown, the secrets, the forbidden
Knowledge that begs me to look
Yet can I stand the painful process?
This cleansing light will visit upon my soul
I resist for to what end shall I seek
Coveting the darkness that holds
The untruths upon a pedestal
My mind ponders the use of truth

Shall I live longer, be healthier, richer
Have more pleasure in my life?
What is it that is gained in the seeking?

Knowledge gained but not used
Would seem a waste
My glimpses already alienating me
From common thoughts
Could it be that the fraction of light
I have let in has created Shadows
Where only there was darkness?
Will opening the door spell away the
Lurking shadows or give them new form?

Christine Noble

Every Day Awakenings

Every Day Awakenings

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New group seemed very shy tonight, I have a feeling they will open up and get more comfortable as they come more often. Two in this new group are family and that is awesome.
Meditation groups have their own energy flow, I have a feeling our new little group will be able to shake up a room with their new found awareness of energy patterns.

I am thankful that my knee pain was un noticeable while I was in meditation this evening, nice break from the pain.

Anyone interested in reading about 'why meditate' can read more about it on my web site

Why Meditate?

Why Meditate

Ok, I know that just saying the word meditation may ‘weird out’ some people. Meditation is just the word we give to the situation where we give the nervous system, the brain and senses a chance to tune themselves up. More than a chance – meditation is giving total permission for the nervous system to do its healing thing. In other words, we are not adding something weird to our life – we are just giving ourselves something we need. What is weird is to NOT meditate. In other words, it is unnatural to go through life deprived of a time each day to rest more deeply than sleep, and let go of all the stresses that keep people wound so tight. Some of the many benefits of developing a regular meditation practise include: ·

Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning · Improved Ability to Focus · Increased Creativity · Deeper Level of Relaxation · Improved Perception and Memory · Development of Intelligence · Natural Change in Breathing · Decrease in Stress Hormone · Lower Blood Pressure · Increased Self-Actualization · Increased Strength of Self-Concept · Decreased Cigarette, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse · Increased Productivity · Improved Relations · Increased Relaxation and Decreased Stress · Improved Health and More Positive Health Habits
All the above leads to a stronger sex life, now that is a really great benefit

The catch is, you have to spend time in meditation everyday to get these benefits. And usually, in order for that to happen, you have to want to meditate, and that means the approach you choose has to suit your individual nature so well that you love meditating.
There are thousands of different ways and styles of meditating, simply because people are different from each other. As a long time meditator (Yes I am one!) I recommend trying various styles to find one that works for you. There is no ONE way to meditate, read a book, take a course or just try it on your own. You don’t need a teacher but if you are serious a teacher can help you overcome obstacles and encourage you to a more disciplined meditation practise.

web site:

ahhhh........ grrrrrrrrrr

Having some major problems with my knee that I will have to seriously address. Wishing it away just isn't working. But if all things happen for a reason I wonder what I am meant to be doing if I can't be doing exactly what I want to be doing. What lessons do I need to learn through all of this? ok, that is the grrrrrrrrr part of my day but good stuff too

I had an awesome client in today, I really enjoyed being in her company. I had a great lunch with my son. nephew and my Dear Auntie Viv (whom I just adore...... although most people do)
Auntie Viv has been a great teacher in my life even though I have not spent a lot of time with her. Her behaviour, grace and non judgemental attitude earns her a place in many people's heart. Don't we all want to be loved and accepted? Being married at age 16 (and most likely making a lot of faux pas) she was always so kind and caring to me, never judging my parenting style or lack of great housekeeping skills. When she was still driving on her own she and her friend would come and spend Friday afternoons in our family restaurant. These were special times and today at lunch (in our restaurant) I was reminded of all those great conversations we had years ago.

I have a new meditation class starting this evening....... new people coming in through my doors, always a pleasure to teach and share meditation. Life is good...... even when I am pissy about my knee...... lol

Monday, May 14, 2007

Going to my meditation group very soon........ when I am feeling bogged down I don't want to go but actually meditating in a supportive positive inspiring group is just what I need the most. The best 40 minutes of my week is Monday evening Meditation group. I adore the hosts of the group and love to be around and in their energy.

one heck of a day today......

Full of surprises today. My husband lost his job this morning. I am betting he will have a new job in less than 3 days..... he is actually so happy to be 'out looking' for new oppertunities. Also picking up a new truck today........ but changed my mind, told them tomorrow. I get so pissy when people are telling me what to do, where to go, when to be there...... I just had enough.

All I really wanted to do today was spend some time in the sunshine but it seemed everyone wanted or needed something........ I really need to make 'real time' for myself. Needing some girlfriend time. In the past I undervalued the importance of having strong women friends in my life. Now I need them more than ever as I get older. I realized how important women bonding is during my teaching time in Turkey. The women care for each other in ways that nuture and at times inspire. I love my guy friends but for my emotional health I need my girlfriends. One of my dearest friends Shari (from grade 9) gets me out walking and is a great motivator to become more 'green' and making healthier choices overall. I don't have a ton of friends but the ones I have a cherish.

Here we go.........

Monday Morning
May 14 07

I have had a rough week, so when I put my feet on the floor this morning and I felt good....... I felt really really good!

I had some dreams last night that just won't leave me, (one of my dearest friends is a Dream Analyst and has taught me to recognize the value of remembering them) Some basic fears I have about life are popping up in my dreams...... the ones in my waking state I don't even acknowledge.

Today is the day to start my blog and my fears that I would get lost and no one would care came up. Of course it is much deeper than that nonetheless here I am blogging despite my inner fears.

About me, I am a many things, I do many things ....... I love to learn. I co-own a small restaurant, I am a Hypnotherapist at Guided Balance Wellness Centre and I occasionally teach ESL in Turkey. I teach Meditation here at Guided Balance and am a big promoter of the value of adding a regular meditation practise in one's life. Meditation has had a huge impact in my life and I can't imagine ever NOT doing it. I will share more about my experiences with meditation (and life in general) another time.