Monday, May 14, 2007

Here we go.........

Monday Morning
May 14 07

I have had a rough week, so when I put my feet on the floor this morning and I felt good....... I felt really really good!

I had some dreams last night that just won't leave me, (one of my dearest friends is a Dream Analyst and has taught me to recognize the value of remembering them) Some basic fears I have about life are popping up in my dreams...... the ones in my waking state I don't even acknowledge.

Today is the day to start my blog and my fears that I would get lost and no one would care came up. Of course it is much deeper than that nonetheless here I am blogging despite my inner fears.

About me, I am a many things, I do many things ....... I love to learn. I co-own a small restaurant, I am a Hypnotherapist at Guided Balance Wellness Centre and I occasionally teach ESL in Turkey. I teach Meditation here at Guided Balance and am a big promoter of the value of adding a regular meditation practise in one's life. Meditation has had a huge impact in my life and I can't imagine ever NOT doing it. I will share more about my experiences with meditation (and life in general) another time.


Off The Wall said...

Hi Christine,

Congrats on the new blog, I will be a visitor for sure.

Awakening Rose said...

thanks for your support Deb, not only for my blog but also for my health :) Deb is my Homeopath and takes good care of me

panther11 said...

I believe our meeting started a new era in my life journey and you have become the most special friend in a short will stay that way forever for sure..11

Awakening Rose said...

panther: our friendship started based in a spiritual conversation/sharing and honest and yet we challenge and push each others limits. Even when we have hurt one another, somehow we find our way back and continue on in our friendship always cheering each other on to become a better human being. Thousands of miles away in space but close at heart.