Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Why Meditate?

Why Meditate

Ok, I know that just saying the word meditation may ‘weird out’ some people. Meditation is just the word we give to the situation where we give the nervous system, the brain and senses a chance to tune themselves up. More than a chance – meditation is giving total permission for the nervous system to do its healing thing. In other words, we are not adding something weird to our life – we are just giving ourselves something we need. What is weird is to NOT meditate. In other words, it is unnatural to go through life deprived of a time each day to rest more deeply than sleep, and let go of all the stresses that keep people wound so tight. Some of the many benefits of developing a regular meditation practise include: ·

Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning · Improved Ability to Focus · Increased Creativity · Deeper Level of Relaxation · Improved Perception and Memory · Development of Intelligence · Natural Change in Breathing · Decrease in Stress Hormone · Lower Blood Pressure · Increased Self-Actualization · Increased Strength of Self-Concept · Decreased Cigarette, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse · Increased Productivity · Improved Relations · Increased Relaxation and Decreased Stress · Improved Health and More Positive Health Habits
All the above leads to a stronger sex life, now that is a really great benefit

The catch is, you have to spend time in meditation everyday to get these benefits. And usually, in order for that to happen, you have to want to meditate, and that means the approach you choose has to suit your individual nature so well that you love meditating.
There are thousands of different ways and styles of meditating, simply because people are different from each other. As a long time meditator (Yes I am one!) I recommend trying various styles to find one that works for you. There is no ONE way to meditate, read a book, take a course or just try it on your own. You don’t need a teacher but if you are serious a teacher can help you overcome obstacles and encourage you to a more disciplined meditation practise.

web site: http://www.guidedbalance.ca/