Monday, July 16, 2007

getting ready...........

Almost ready, but not sure if I have what I need.

Feeling a tad bit guilty leaving on my hubby's birthday, yet he is thousand of miles away at the moment. I will take time out for meditation tomorrow morning at 7:11am for the Fire the Grid world session no matter how pressed for time I am. Feeling good about it.
I love traveling but of course I miss my routine here where I am usually planted. Especially I miss Sunday mornings at Unity of London and my Monday evenings with my meditation group.

Looks like me and the crew I am bringing over will be on the move for over 31 hours in total before we get to our destination. After driving to Alberta from Ontario two weeks ago, this does not seem have me thinking twice about going. Usually I am unsettled after 2 or 3 hour of driving or flying but now that is child's play..... I have toughened up as a traveler (not as whiney either).

I'll be blogging as much as I can from the Internet cafe and please feel free to leave me a comment or two.


Anonymous said...

Hi Christine, Ray & Marion and fellow travellers with you all.
Wishing you all a safe journey to Turkey. Enjoy your stay! I know you all will be working hard teaching English. Looking forward to hearing about your updates on your blog.
Take care, Stpeh.

Off The Wall said...

Dear Chrissy,

Hope you had a good journey and I will be back and fore to St Thomas around once a week if you need me to run any erands for you. 519 633 6855 in case you left your contact list at home. Have a great time.
