Saturday, September 22, 2007

A bit about Hypnosis (again)

Guided Balance Hypnotherapy

Are you looking for direction, feeling stuck or unfulfilled, stressed by the demands of daily life, needing change but not knowing how to go about making life changes? Perhaps you are not experiencing or achieving the kind of success you expect? Seeing a qualified Hypnotherapist may help you to improve your business/life success, reduce stress levels, assist in life changes and goal setting, and contribute to overall health and well being.

Christine Noble CH. of Guided Balance Hypnotherapy in St.Thomas is a Certified Hypnotist and a member in good standing of the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc.

The use of Hypnosis is not new and has been used in one form or another for thousands of years. It can be argued that hypnotherapy is the most ancient of therapies and elements of hypnotherapy are found in most if not all healing systems. People’s lives are transformed, personal growth is set on course and health is improved all through this ancient healing practice.

Hypnosis Demystified

Myths: Hypnosis Myth #1Only weak-minded people can be hypnotized
The truth is that most everyone can be hypnotized. We are experiencing some form of a trance-like hypnotic state each time we engage our imagination. Have you ever become so involved in a movie that you have become angry, sad or excited? You know what you are watching is not real yet you feel the emotion as if were.
Studies have also shown that the higher the level of intelligence, the deeper the effect Hypnois can have.
Hypnosis Myth #2The Hypnotist has complete power over you when you are hypnotized
It is always up to you, whether you are having a session with a hypnotist, listening to hypnosis recording or receiving information through some other media. You can never be forced or encouraged to act in ways against your own moral or ethic codes, it simply does not work that way. Whether you want to accept or reject the ideas or statements offered is always ultimately up to you. For that reason we say that "all hypnosis is ultimately self-hypnosis" and that you are always in control.
Hypnosis Myth #3You can remain permanently stuck in hypnosis
This only happens in movies or novels. If the hypnotist left the room you would fall into a normal sleep and awake normally or you would just open your eyes when you no longer heard the voice of the hypnotist.
Being in Hypnosis is a very relaxing state and is pleasurable so you may not always want to emerge from this peaceful state of mind, but of course you are NEVER stuck. With training you can learn self hypnosis and enter this state anytime you wish.

For more information visit

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